Corporate Greed
Posted on: February 5, 2016, by : PaulNo sooner than The Lumber Liquidators scandal of selling flooring with unsafe levels of formaldehyde is out of the news [CBS News, 60 Minutes March 1, 2015 ], do we hear that the very same Lumber Liquidators admits to the illegal importation (and false statements pertaining to) of wood from forests which are home to endangered species. On February 2, 2016, Bloomberg News reports that Lumber Liquidators has agreed to pay $13.15 million in fines and penalties in this matter.
In the words of Assistant Attorney General John Cruden of the Department of Justice Environmental and Natural Resource Division, “The case against Lumber Liquidators shows the true cost of turning a blind eye to the environmental laws that protect endangered wildlife”, and further, “this company left a trail of corrupt transactions and habitat destruction. Now they will pay a price for this callous and careless pursuit of profit”
These unfortunate and reprehensible practices once again brings to light the blatant disregard certain members of corporate America have for the well being of consumers and our planet’s natural resources in preference for profit and greed.
America needs to stand up and say enough. Companies that knowingly poison our homes with unsafe carcinogen levels and profiteer by raiding forests for cheap wood at the expense of wildlife habitat, have no place in America.
It is well within every American’s ability to put a stop to these crimes, resolving to do their share and take positive steps to correct this deplorable situation. Consumers and investors alike can simply boycott doing business with or purchasing the stock of environmental pirates like Lumber Liquidators, period. This decisive action is the quickest and most positive way to stop this behavior once and for all.
As a steward of the environment, Dapwood believes that for the sustainably of our planet and the good health of all Earth’s inhabitants, we all need to recognize that the only way to send a message that these immoral practices will not be tolerated is to refuse to buy the products of companies who continually defy our environment laws for the sake of ill gotten profit.
We ask that you join us in taking a stand.