Author: Gregg

Response to Custom Request for Inclined Sleep

A Letter from our Customer Like many wives, I have suffered through untold nights with poor sleep due to my husband’s snoring (I admit, my spring allergies have caused me to snore too in recent years). After investigating CPAP therapy and numerous “better sleep” websites, a friend recommended that I look into “incline sleep”. Various sites on this subject agreed that inclining our frame with a 5% slope would in their research help improve and […]

Healthy Living

Let’s be honest. Trying to live a healthy, clean life is not easy. We are under constant pressure to buy this and consume that. Fast food is everywhere. Highly processed foods are cheap and toothsome. Sugary drinks are offered in our schools and office buildings. It is hard to put up defenses and make a concerted effort to put the healthiest foods in our bodies. [Don’t get me wrong, I am not a 100% kind […]

Damage Left Behind by Hurricane Harvey

Words are unable to describe the feelings that bellow up when viewing photos and videos of the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey. Our thoughts go out to those people who have lost so much. While we try to get in contact with our resellers in the areas affected by the storm, we want to put notice out there that anyone affected by the storm- please contact us. We would like to help if we can […]

New Mexico True Certified

Long known as “The Land of Enchantment”, New Mexico embodies a blend of tradition, culture, art, history and dramatic landscapes that defines New Mexico as uniquely different among the fifty states that make up our great country. Recent efforts by New Mexico’s tourism department to promote this unique environment to the world has resulted with the successful “New Mexico True” campaign. Companies who produce 100% of their quality products in New Mexico can apply to […]

Modern Furniture to Contemporary Furniture

We are often asked how to describe our hand crafted furniture. While the obvious answer is that we make Dapwood furniture, that does not really help others understand our style or our drive to make the best American made eco friendly furniture. Unfortunately, like most things there is no simple answer so we often are left to use terms like: Modern Furniture Contemporary Furniture Amish Furniture Arts and Crafts Furniture Craftsman Furniture Prairie Style Furniture Stickley […]

What is a Platform Bed

A platform bed is a bed frame that does NOT need the use of a traditional boxspring with a mattress on top. The mattress can lie directly on the supporting structure which is most often made of slats or for some manufacturers- plywood sheets. Better quality platform beds have regularly spaced slats that support the mattress but also allow air to circulate into the mattress and keep it dry and comfortable. The spacing between slats can […]

Helping Keep the Rio Grande

Like the proverbial postal carrier- wind, rain, sleet and hail couldn’t keep us from helping clean up the Rio Grande river and bosque. The weather in the Land of Enchantment for the month of May has been unusually wet and this weekend the trend continued. That didn’t stop more than 100 volunteers and officials from the City of Albuquerque Open Space from having a great morning.   Some Dapwood helpers getting fueled up for the […]

Quality Sleep

On average, Americans spend one third of their lives in bed – sleeping, or at least trying to! While much has been written about making the third of our day spent working more productive, interesting and rewarding; and much has been said about improving mealtimes with food that is more nutritious, more satisfying, and more interesting; little attention has been given to how we can make our sleep time more rejuvenating! Now, get ready for […]

Buyer Beware

CBS 60 Minutes aired a segment this past Sunday evening (March 1, 2015) ( alleging that much of the laminate flooring made in China for Lumber Liquidators, contains high levels of formaldehyde- a known human carcinogen. In some cases, formaldehyde levels tested at 20X the level approved by the California Air Resource Board, commonly known as CARB2. The toxicity of laminated flooring is just the latest item sold en mass to US customers that may […]

Dapwood on the Airwaves…again

Dapwood Furniture Co. was invited to be on the popular marketing program called Ask those Branding Guys on KVSF, the Voice of Santa Fe. It was fun to be in a studio and see how the process works but also to talk about our company and how we are working toward making a difference- not only making the most healthy furniture around but also in our business practices and how you have to always work […]